Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Lucy's first Easter egg hunt.

Eating snacks (with Joshua) after hunting eggs.

Lucy's Easter Sunday dress.

It wouldn't be Easter without her Miss Bunny.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009

Counting to 20!

Since Lucy has been able to count to 20 in English, we decided to start her on counting to 20 in Spanish. She must know the progression, becasue this is how it went: "Once, doce, trese, fourteen".

Stuffed Animals are her Friends

Lucy has developed friendship with Miss Bunny, Abby, Bunny Bear and many others.

Lucy put Abby on the couch and said "Abby's my nice friend." Then she shoved her off, onto the floor.

Lucy put bear in her oven and bunny in the fridge, then served them to Eeyore on a tray.

She picked up bear and said (in a very singsongy tone) "Oh bear. I love you very much."

I put her play chairs closer to each other so she could feed Bear & Bunny. She climbed out of her chair, said "I'll be right back" and pretended to wash her hands in the play sink (using the toy olive oil bottle for soap). When she was done she dried her hands on her towel (her purple plush blanket).

New Favorite Chair

We've had this rocking horse for some time now, but it seems she enjoys it most when she's watching Mickey's Clubhouse. She's even learned to say Yee Haw when she rides.

She's Good to her Miss Bunny

Playing in her Closet

Or... napping on the closet floor. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lucy's New Bed

Lucy's new bed in her new room.

Her first words for her new big girl bed were" I like it". This was her first night to sleep in it... went well.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Kimberlins Take a Break

If you haven't noticed, we have been in hiding for the past month. Actually, we have been packing, moving, working, going to school and taking care of a very active toddler. It has been a very busy time. We are not quite settled in yet, but hope to be before Lucy's 2nd birthday. Lucy loves her new room and I think she even loves her new bed despite the difficult transition it has been for us. She wakes up at 5 every morning and greets us in our room expecting to watch The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. "Eee-watch-uh Mickey?"

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Visit from Mema & Pepa

Here's a homemade hat and piano that Pepa made for Lucy.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Lunch With The Beatles

Today she had carrots, cheese chunks, Cheerios and 4 nachos (just jack cheese and stale tortilla chips from Blue Coast Burrito baked for 5 minutes).

As lunch wrapped up "Two of Us" by The Beatles played on her playlist. I let her down and sent her to her room. As I shut off the iPod at the end of her song she came back asking "Goodbye? Hello?" meaning she wanted to hear "Hello Goodbye" by The Beatles which is the next song on her playlist.

Later, she heard the harpsichord intro to "Lucy In The Sky plays and she exclaimed enthusiastically "Lucy!"

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Who's That?

I put her play chairs closer to each other so she could feed Bear & Bunny. She climbed out of her chair, said "I'll be right back" and pretended to wash her hands in the play sink (using the corn oil for soap). When she was done she dried her hands on her towel (the purple blanket).

She was strugling to carry her silver play tray with food on it. I taught her "two hands."

Later, I was texting my brother while Lucy played in her kitchen. She ran up to me and said "Who's that?" I said "Uncle Greg." "Who's that? A-B-C?"

She wanted to hear the Laurie Berkner song "Who's That?" from the Noggin Channel.

I said "Okay! We'll watch Laurie on TV." She said "Watch Laurie Noggin!"

Monday, March 2, 2009

Ruff! Meow!

Lucy put bear in her oven and bunny in the fridge, then served them to Eeyore on a tray.

She's quoting Jack trying to teach Mel to ruff. (Jack's Big Music Show)

She picked up bear and said (in a very singsongy tone) "Oh bear. I love you very much."

Now she's singing the colors song I wrote for her.


Lucy accompanies herself with open strings on either guitar or bass while she sings "Twinkle Twinkle

Right before I took this photo she said "I like strings."

When she saw me point the iPhone at her she said "Say cheese!"

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

H-I-J-K... L-U-C-Y

We're playing with her alphabet puzzle. She repeats the letter after me and I tell her what the animal is on the puzzle piece. H... h... Horse... horse, etc.

I said L and she said "U-C-Y."

Monday, February 23, 2009

End to a Long Day

While Glen and I shopped at IKEA for Lucy's bed and many other things, Lucy was entertained by her Aunt Steph,Cousin Austin Mema, and Pepa. After a long grocery trip, she played herself out and fell asleep on the floor. We were so grateful for this nap since it was the night we were headed into to Austin for Glen's gig.

Saturday, February 7, 2009